Sure launches Sure Verify™ to transform insurance coverage verification

Streamline operations with digital insurance policy management software

Platform makes policy management simple and convenient. Manage every step of policy servicing — from quotes to renewals — for streamlined operations, enhanced efficiency, and better customer service.
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Make policy management for you and your customers, hassle-free

Policy management doesn’t need to be cumbersome and complicated. Platform makes the end-to-end process of managing policies painless for you — and delightful for your customers.

Core capabilities

Platform delivers the most up-to-date technology to support all your policy management needs.

Policy administration

Record, store, and easily retrieve policy documents, including quotes, binders, endorsements, billing details, renewal notices, and more.
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System of record

Manage application forms, issue refunds, cancel policies, change coverage limits, and send policy documents in minutes.
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Use Platform’s reporting features, or integrate with your existing business intelligence tools, to quickly understand the current state of your business to inform decision-making.
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Automate integrations with analytics, data warehouse, and data visualization tools from leading providers such as Amazon Redshift, Microsoft Dynamics, Snowflake, Tableau, and more.
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Take the first step to unlock the potential of digital insurance