Sure launches Sure Verify™ to transform insurance coverage verification

Make property management easier with digital home warranty

Connect home warranty provides landlords and property managers with options for fixed-cost home warranty contracts that cover the hassle and price of unit repairs and replacements.
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Get protection for all

Companies with access to property owners and property managers — lenders, mortgage companies, vacation rental management software companies, property management software companies, and others — can harness the power of Sure’s APIs, white labels, and iFrames to embed a fully digital home warranty solution for their audience to leverage.

Property management in one place

Our partners are able to create fully integrated digital home warranty experiences that enable landlords and property managers to seamlessly purchase a home warranty contract in as little as three clicks of the mouse.

Core capabilities

Connect provides the most innovative digital home warranty solution on the market.
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Nationwide coverage

Connect home warranty is backed by OnPoint Warranty Solutions, a leading provider of home warranty solutions with coverage in all 50 states.

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Speed to market

Connect is built for speed. Partners can be live and in-market with a fully embedded home warranty solution in a matter of weeks.

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Seamless customer experience

With Sure’s APIs, white labels, and iframes, home warranty coverage can be purchased within an existing digital journey without ever having to leave your ecosystem.

Streamline your customer experience in three easy steps

Connect embeds an intuitive digital insurance experience into your existing online and mobile properties with a look and feel native to your customer-trusted brand in just three steps.

Step 1

Landlord or property manager is presented with the option to purchase home warranty protection insurance in fully embedded experience.
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Step 2

Landlord or property manager is provided with quote options and selects preferred home warranty policy.
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Step 3

Landlord or property manager receives immediate proof of coverage once the policy purchase is complete.
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Take the first step to unlock the potential of digital insurance